There are 3 main reasons why I’ve transferred my finance skill set to self-employed bookkeeping:
- I love to help people learn how to manage their money and make it work hard for them.
- I want the flexibility to work with and for the people who need me the most. It’s tremendously rewarding.
- Although bookkeeping is often viewed as an old fashioned job, the need for good bookkeepers is stronger than ever.
I live in an historic neighbourhood in London, Ontario called Old East Village. The area was once extremely run down but in the past 10 years it’s been experiencing steady and significant gentrification. What I find the most incredible to watch is the creativity, ingenuity, and steadfast dedication of the many entrepreneurs that have chosen to open their businesses in our area. They make a name for themselves by building a following, establishing a brand image and then…they thrive. I’m not talking about getting by or keeping their heads above water, I’m talking about genuinely thriving! The examples are too numerous to mention.
I recently attended a seminar at the Small Business Centre here in town wherein the following statistic confirmed what I’ve been seeing in my neighbourhood; Micro-enterprises (1- 4 employees) make up 54.1% of all private employers in Canada, according to the Industry Canada Key Small Business Statistics from June 2016. Whoa! With what I’m seeing around London, I can only expect that figure to continue growing.
Time is precious. Entrepreneurs can put more time and energy into growing their business when their back office processes are simple and efficient. If your bookkeeping is weighing you down, get in touch with me. I’d love to help.